Irene Village

 Griechenland - Chersonissos
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This charming hotel boasts a tranquil setting in Hersonissos village, just a short distance away from the centre of the town. Within a short distance of the hotel, guests can enjoy a host of shopping, dining and entertainment venues. This hotel greets guests with a warm, friendly atmosphere. The hotel enjoys ease of access to a host of local attractions also. Visitors can relax amidst the delightful surroundings of the hotel guest rooms, where soothing, neutral tones create an ambience of tranquillity and rejuvenation. The hotel offers excellent facilities, ensuring that each and every visitor enjoys a relaxing stay.

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Bewertung für sonnenklar.TV - EUVIA Travel GmbH

4.2 von 5 Sternen

aus 18 Bewertungen

(letzte 12 Monate)

Hat alles sehr gut funktioniert, und auch das Telefonat war sehr freundlich und unterstützen. Lieben Dank